Effect of Chitin Nanocrystals on Stereocomplexation of Poly(L-lactide)/Poly(D-lactide) Blends
作者:Fen Ma, Chenguang Jiang, Wenyuan Xie, Defeng Wu
关键字:chitin nanocrystals; poly(L-lactide); stereocomplexation.
具体来源:International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 239, 124372.
1) ChNCs acted as SC nucleator and promoted the stereocomplexation of PLLA;
2) Nanocomposites showed accelerated kinetics and lower SC activation energy;
3) The fraction of SC crystallites deceased more or less in the presence of ChNCs.

Using polysaccharide nanocrystals such as chitin nanocrystals (ChNCs) as nanofiller for biodegradable aliphatic polymers is an attractive way of developing all-degradable nanocomposites. Crystallization study is vital for well regulating final performance of this type polymeric nanocomposites. In this work, ChNCs were incorporated with the poly(L-lactide)/poly(D-lactide) blends and as-obtained nanocomposites were used as target samples for the study. The results showed that ChNCs acted as nucleating agent, promoting the formation of stereocomplex (SC) crystallites and accelerating overall crystallization kinetics as a result. Therefore, the nanocomposites possessed higher SC crystallization temperatures and lower apparent activation energy as compared to the blend. However, the formation of homocrystallites (HC) was dominated by nucleation effect of SC crystallites and accordingly, the fraction of SC crystallites reduced more or less in the presence of ChNCs, despite the nanocomposites possessed higher rate of HC crystallization. This study also provided valuable information on accessing more applications of ChNCs to be used as SC nucleator for polylactide.