Rheology and Thermal Stability of Polylactide/Clay Nanocomposites. Polymer Degradation & Stability, 2006, 91, 3149-3155.
作者:Defeng Wu, Liang Wu, Lanfeng Wu, Ming Zhang.
关键字:rheology; thermal stability; polylactide; clay; nanocomposites.
具体来源:Polymer Degradation & Stability
Polymer Degradation & Stability, 2006, 91, 3149-3155.
ABSTRACT: Polylactide/clay nanocomposites (PLACNs) were prepared by melt intercalation. The intercalated structure of PLACNs was investigated using XRD and TEM. Both the linear and nonlinear rheological properties of PLACNs were measured by the parallel plate rheometer. The results reveal that percolation threshold of the PLACNs is about 4wt%, and the network structure is very sensitive to both the quiescent and the large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) deformation. The stress overshoots in the reverse flow experiments were strongly dependent on the rest time and shear rate but shows a strain-scaling response to the startup of steady shear flow, indicating that the formation of the long-range structure in PLACNs may be the major drive force for the reorganization of the clay network. The thermal behavior of PLACNs was also characterized. However, the results show that with the addition of clay, the thermal stability of PLACNs decreases in contrast to that of pure PLA.