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Hongxia Guo. The Phase Behavior of Polymer Blends under Shear Field

Wenbin Hu. Chain Folding Habit and Intramolecular Crystal Nucleation upon Polymer Crystal Growth

Baohui Li. A Simulation Study of Phase Behavior of Double- and Triple-hydrophilic Block Copolymers in Aqueous Solutions

Zhongyuan Lu. Coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations Study on the Influence of Polymerization on Nanoparticle Structural Properties

Hujun Qian. Dynamics in Polymer/Single-chain Nanoparticle Composites

Qiang Wang. Systematic and Simulation-Free Coarse Graining of Polymer Melts

Rong Wang. Self-assembly of Nanoparticles Controlled by Amphiphilic Block Copolymer in Solution

Sizhu Wu. A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of the Damping Properties of Hindered Phenol/Nitrile-butadiene Rubber Composites

Ran Zhang. Study of Hydrophobic clustering in Partially Sulfonated Polystyrene Solutions with a Systematic Coarse-grained Model

Youliang Zhu. Employing Multi-GPUs Power for Molecular Dynamic Simulation: an Extension of GALAMOST