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Tailoring carbon nanomaterials via a molecular scissor
Issue time:2021年
tCarbon is a fascinating element that can be found in a wide spectrum of materials and plays a significantrole in diverse disciplines across the scientific community. Carbon nanomaterials take many forms withnumerous applications. Controllably tailoring carbon nanomaterials at the molecular scale can be con-sidered as a basic innovation yet remains a significant challenge because of carbon’s intrinsic structuraland chemical stability. Herein, we report a molecular scissor to efficiently tailor carbon nanomaterialsof different dimensions at a molecular level. By using the Mg/Zn bimetallic effect and CO2molecules, amolecular scissor was invented to engineer the surface of carbon nanomaterials with highly intercon-nected graphene pillared superstructures. The molecular scissor redesigned the carbon materials withimproved surface properties for use in various applications. For energy storage application, both ultrahighsurface area and conductivity can be achieved concurrently with substantial ion-reserved accommoda-tion and rapid mass-transfer expressway. As a demonstration, a flexible solid-state supercapacitor basedon the surface-tailored carbon fiber was developed with Polyvinyl alcohol(PVA)/Na2SO4gel electrolytes.It delivered a remarkably high energy density of 4.63 mW h cm–3at a power density of 3520 mW cm–3. Thiswork paves a new way to reinvent carbon materials at the molecular scale and promote their applicationsfor energy storage, sensing, environmental remediation, and healthcare.