37. Hu, W.-B.;* Cai, T.; Ma, Y.; Hobbs J.; Reiter, G. "Polymer crystallization under nano-confinement of droplets studied by molecular simulations" Faraday Discussions 143, in press.
36. Xu, J.-J.;* Ma, Y.; Hu, W.-B.;* Rehahn, M.; Reiter, G. "Cloning polymer single crystals via self-seeding" Nature Materials in press.
35. Huang, S.-M.;* Qian, Y.; Chen, J.-Y.; Cai, Q.-R.; Wan, L.; Wang, S.; Hu, W.-B. "Identification of the structures of superlong oriented single-walled carbon nanotube arrays by electrodeposition of metal and raman spectroscopy" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 11860–11861(2008).
34. Qian, Y.; Cai, T.; Hu, W.-B.* "Breakout and breakdown induced by crystallization of cylinder-forming diblock copolymers" Macromolecules 41, 7625-7629(2008).
33. Cai, T.; Ma, Y.; Yin, P.-C.; Hu, W.-B.* "Understanding the growth rates of polymer co-crystallization in the binary mixtures of different chain lengths" J. Phys. Chem. B 112, 7370-7376(2008).
32. Ma, Y.; Zha, L.-Y.; Hu, W.-B.;* Reiter G.; Han, C. C. "Crystal nucleation enhanced at the diffuse interface of immiscible polymer blends" Phys. Rev. E 77, 061801(2008).
31. Hu, W.-B.; Cai,T. “Regime transitions of polymer crystal growth rates: molecular simulations and interpretation beyond Lauritzen-Hoffman model” Macromolecules 41, 2049 -2061(2008).
30. Ma, Y.; Hu, W.-B.;* Hobbs, J.; Reiter, G. "Understanding crystal orientations in quasi-one-dimensional polymer systems" Soft Matter 4, 540-543(2008).
29. Hu, W.-B. "Chain folding via intramolecular crystal nucleation: Theory and simulations" ACS PMSE Preprint 97, 811(2007).
28. Zha, L.-Y.; Hu, W.-B.;* "Homogeneous crystal nucleation triggered by spinodal decomposition in polymer solutions" J. Phys. Chem. B 111, 11373-11378(2007).
27. Ma, Y.; Hu, W.-B.;* Wang, H. "Polymer immiscibility enhanced by thermal fluctuations toward crystalline order" Phys. Rev. E 76, 031801(2007).
26. Cheng, S.-J.; Hu, W.-B.;* Ma, Y.; Yan, S.-K. "Epitaxial polymer crystal growth influenced by partial melting of the fiber in the single-polymer composites" Polymer 48, 4264-4270(2007).
25. Hu, W.-B. "Intramolecular crystal nucleation", an invited chapter in the book "Lecture Notes in Physics: Progress in Understanding of Polymer Crystallization" , Edited by G. Strobl and G. Reiter, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 714, 47-63(2007).
24. Ma, Y.; Hu, W.-B.;* Reiter G. "Lamellar crystal orientations biased by crystallization kinetics in polymer thin films" Macromolecules 39, 5159-5164(2006).
23. Wang, M.-X.; Hu, W.-B.;* Ma, Y.; Ma, Y.-Q. "Confined crystallization of cylindrical diblock copolymers studied by dynamic Monte Carlo simulations" J. Chem. Phys. 124, 244901-244906(2006).
22. Hu, W.-B.; Frenkel, D. "Effect of the coil-globule transition on the free-energy barrier for intra-chain crystal nucleation" J. Phys. Chem., B 110, 3734-3737(2006).
21. Hu, W.-B.; Karssenberg, F. G.; Mathot, V. B. F. "How a sliding restriction of comonomers affects crystallization and melting of homogeneous copolymers" Polymer 47, 5582-5587(2006).
20. Hu, W.-B.; Frenkel, D. "Polymer crystallization driven by anisotropic interactions" Advances in Polymer Science 191, 1-35(2005). Interphases and Mesophases in Polymer Crystallization III, ed. by Giuseppe Allegra.
19. Hu, W.-B. "Molecular segregation in polymer melt crystallization: simulation evidence and unified-scheme interpretation" Macromolecules 38, 8712-8718(2005).
18. Hu, W.-B. "Crystallization-induced microdomain coalescence in lamellar diblock copolymers studied by dynamic Monte Carlo simulations" Macromolecules 38, 3977-3983(2005).
17. Wang, M.-X.; Hu, W.-B.;* Ma, Y.; Ma, Y.-Q. "Orientational relaxation together with polydispersity decides precursor formation in polymer melt crystallization" Macromolecules 38, 2806-2812(2005).
16. Hu, W.-B.; Frenkel, D. "Oriented primary crystal nucleation in lamellar diblock copolymer systems" Faraday Discussions 128, 253-260(2005).
15. Hu, W.-B.; Frenkel, D. "Effect of metastable liquid-liquid demixing on the morphology of nucleated polymer crystals" Macromolecules 37, 4336-4338(2004).
14. Hu, W.-B.; Mathot,V.B.F. "Sequence-length segregation during crystallization and melting of a model homogeneous copolymer" Macromolecules 37, 673-675(2004).
13. Hu, W.-B.; Frenkel,D.; Mathot,V.B.F. "Intramolecular nucleation model for polymer crystallization" Macromolecules 36, 8178-8183(2003).
12. Hu, W.-B.; Mathot,V.B.F. "Liquid-liquid demixing in a polymer blend driven solely by the component-selective crystallizability" J. Chem. Phys. 119, 10953-10957(2003).
11. Hu, W.-B.; Mathot,V.B.F.; Frenkel,D. "Lattice model study of the thermodynamic interplay of polymer crystallization and liquid-liquid demixing" J. Chem. Phys. 118, 10343-10348(2003).
10. Hu, W.-B.; Mathot,V.B.F.; Frenkel,D. "Phase transitions of bulk statistical copolymers studied by dynamic Monte Carlo simulations" Macromolecules 36, 2165-2175(2003).
9. Hu, W.-B.; Buzin,A.; Lin,J.-S.; Wunderlich,B. "Annealing behavior of gel-spun PE fibers before significant melting" J. Polym. Sci., Part B, Polymer Phys. 41, 403-417(2003).
8. Hu, W.-B.; Frenkel,D.; Mathot,V.B.F. "Free energy barrier to melting of single-chain polymer crystallite" J. Chem. Phys. 118, 3455-3457(2003).
7. Hu, W.-B.; Frenkel,D.; Mathot,V.B.F. "Sectorization of a lamellar polymer crystal studied by dynamic Monte Carlo simulations" Macromolecules 36, 549-552(2003).
6. Hu, W.-B.; Frenkel, D.; Mathot, V. B. F. "Shish-kebab crystallites induced by a single pre-aligned macromolecule" Macromolecules 35, 7172-7174(2002).
5. Hu, W.-B.; Wunderlich, B. "Data analysis without Fourier Transformation for Sawtooth-type TMDSC" J. Thermal Analysis & Calorimetry 66, 677-697(2001).
4. Hu, W.-B. "Chain folding in polymer melt crystallization studied by dynamic Monte Carlo simulations" J. Chem. Phys. 115, 4395-4401(2001).
3. Hu, W.-B. "The melting point of chain polymers" J. Chem. Phys. 113, 3901-3908(2000).
2. Hu, W.-B.; Albrecht, T.; Strobl, G. "Reversible premelting of PE and PEO crystallites indicated by TMDSC" Macromolecules 32, 7548-7554(1999).
1. Hu, W.-B. "Structural transformation in the collapse transition of the single flexible homopolymer model" J. Chem. Phys. 109, 3686-3690(1998).