Synergetic effect of biochar and intermittent electricity stimulation on mitigating the adverse effects of tannic acid on anaerobic granular sludge in wastewater
writer:Junxia Ni, Yihu Xu, Keyang Jiang, Ling Liu, Yunpeng Zhu, Xuelian Zou, Qian Gao,Jinhu Feng, Di Wu,
keywords:Anaerobic granular sludgeTannic acidIntermittent electricity stimulationMicrobial communityBiochar
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Issue time:2024年
广西大学王双飞院士团队通过往厌氧系统中添加单宁酸和间歇电、生物炭,探讨了单宁酸对颗粒污泥的危害,分析了间歇电和生物炭协同作用对颗粒污泥特性、产甲烷性能、微生物群落等方面的影响,为进一步降低单宁酸对AnGS的危害提供了有效途径。该成果以题为“Synergetic effect of biochar and intermittent electricity stimulation on mitigating the adverse effects of tannic acid on anaerobic granular sludge in wastewater”发表在《Journal of Water Process Engineering》上,2022级硕士研究生倪俊霞为第一作者,王志伟副教授为通讯作者,许一虎、江柯漾、刘令、朱云鹏、邹雪莲、高倩、冯金虎、吴迪等同学参与研究。
【J WATER PROCESS ENG】广西大学王双飞院士、王志伟团队:生物炭和间歇电协同降低废水中单宁酸对厌氧颗粒污泥的危害