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Reduced graphene oxide enhances the crystallization and orientation of poly(e-caprolactone), Composites Science and Technology, 2014, 96, 63–70.
writer:12. Bingjie Wang, Yiguo Li, Gengsheng Weng, Zhiqiang Jiang, Peng Chen, Zongbao Wang*, Qun Gu*
keywords:Reduced graphene oxide enhances the crystallization and orientation of poly(e-caprolactone)
specific source:Composites Science and Technology
Issue time:2014年
Bingjie Wang, Yiguo Li,
Gengsheng Weng, Zhiqiang Jiang, Peng Chen, Zongbao
, Qun Gu*, Reduced graphene oxide enhances the crystallization and
orientation of poly(e-caprolactone), Composites
Science and Technology
, 2014, 96, 63