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73. Synthesis of Polyoxometalate-Polymer Hybrid Polymers and Their Hybrid Vesicular Assembly
writer:Yaokun Han, Yu Xiao, Zijian Zhang, Bo Liu, Ping Zheng, Shangjin He, and Wei Wang*
keywords:Polyoxometalate; Hybrid Polymer; Vesicular Assembly
specific source:Macromolecules
Issue time:2009年

An organic−inorganic hybrid polymer composed of a Dawson trivanadium-substituted heteropolytungstate ((Bu4N)5[H4P2W15V3O62]) cluster and PS chain are originally designed and first synthesized via in situ ATRP. Further characterization includes NMR spectroscopy, FT-IR spectroscopy, and GPC which proved the purity of the material. By means of a cation exchange process, a hybrid polymer (Bu4N)+-POM-PS was tuned into a novel giant amphiphile H+-POM-PS. Immediately, individual molecules self-assembled into kinetically favored hybrid vesicles in DMF. Our work provides a controllable and rational way to fabricate stable and well-defined POM−polymer hybrid polymers that can be optimized for potential applications.