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63. Self-assembled structures in organogels of amphiphilic diblock codendrimers
writer:Miao Yang, Zijian Zhang, Fei Yuan, Wei Wang*, Sandra Hess, Karen Lienkamp, Gerhard Wegner*
keywords:amphiphiles; dendrimers; gels; molecular interactions; self-assembly
specific source:Chemistry - A European Journal
Issue time:2008年

Amphiphilic diblock codendrimers consisting of dendrons of hydroxyl-containing poly(methallyl dichloride) (PMDC) and long alkyl-containing poly(urethane amide) (PUA) were synthesized in different generations. These codendrimers were found to self-assemble into ribbonlike aggregates in organic solvent and further formed three-dimensional networks and behaved macroscopically as gels. The width of the self-assembled ribbons decreases with the generation of both dendritic blocks. Multiple intermolecular hydrogen bonds between amide and hydroxyl groups were found to be the main driving force to form these self-assembled gels.