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42. The fracture of brittle thin films on compliant substrates in flexible displays
writer:Zhong Chen, Brian Cotterell, Wei Wang
keywords:Thin film; Fracture toughness; Delamination; Indium–tin oxide; Flexible displays
specific source:Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Issue time:2002年

One mechanical issue in flexible organic light emitting displays (OLED) is the fracture of extremely thin brittle conducting transparent oxide films deposited on thin flexible substrates. Understanding the behaviour of these films under flexed condition is essential for designer of flexible OLED. Controlled buckling experiments on the film and substrate have been designed to study the fracture of the films under both tension and compression. Fracture of the film is superficially similar in both tension and compression. However, under tension a channelling crack is formed, while under compression, the film delaminates, buckles and cracks in a tunnelling motion. The fracture toughness of the film and the delamination toughness have been estimated from these experiments. Design to maximise the flexibility of the device is discussed.