Preparation of Low Molecular Weight Chitosan Derivative Zinc Complexes and Their Effect on the Growth of Liver Cancer Cells in Vitro
writer:Rong-Min Wang*, Nai-Pu He, Peng-Fei Song, Yu-Feng He, Lan Ding, Zi-Qiang Lei
keywords:Chitosan Derivative
specific source:Pure and Applied Chemistry
Issue time:2009年
LMW-chitosan, LMW-chitosan salicylaldehyde Schiff base and their Zinc (II) complexes, glycine is the second ligand, were synthesized, and characterized by FT-IR spectra, TEM, DLS, and elemental analysis. The result of electrophoresis analysis suggests that the Zn complexes bound to DNA by means of the electrostatic and intercalation modes. The effect of the Zn complexes on the growth of the liver cancer cell lines SMMC-7721 was investigated by Sulforhodamine B (SRB) assay in vitro. The result reveals that the growth of liver cancer H7402 cells was inhibited by LMW-chitosan and their Zn complexes. The inhibition rate of the Zn complexes was higher than that of LMW-chitosan. LMW-chitosan Schiff-base Zn complex exhibited higher anticancer activity than LMW-chitosan Zn complex. LMW-chitosan combining with Schiff-base and Zn improved their anticancer activity, which ascribed to the synergistic effect between chitosan matrix and the planar construction of the Zn complexes