近一个多月来,课题组分别有2项研究成果被RSC advances所accepted. 其中一篇为课题组研究生高文军为第一作者独立撰写的“Trail of Pore shape and Temperature-sensitivity of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Hydrogels before and after Removing Brij-58 Template and Pore Formation Mechanism”,另外一篇为课题组研究生陈冰洁为第二作者的“Microorganism inspired hydrogels: super/macro hierarchical pore, rapid swelling rate and high adsorption”,现已校稿。
Thank you for submitting your revised manuscript. I am satisfied with the changes you have made, and I am therefore pleased to inform you that your paper has been accepted for publication in RSC Advances. Proofs for correction will be sent to you by e-mail in due course.