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田威老师前期与中科院化学所合作的工作发表在Chemical Communications上

Chiral recognition of L-tryptophan with beta-cyclodextrin-modified biomimetic single nanochannel

Ganhua Xie,a Wei Tian,b Liping Wen,*a Kai Xiao,a Zhen Zhang,a   Qian Liu,aGuanglei Hou,a Pei Li,a Ye Tiana and Lei Jiang*a


A stable system of enantioselectively recognising L-tryptophan based on β-cyclodextrin-modified single nanochannel fabricated in a polyimide membrane was demonstrated, and we realized the chiral recognition of an essential amino acid with this system for the first time.

全文链接: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2015/cc/c4cc09577d#!divCitation