Impact of Particle Surface Chemistry on the Structure and Rheological Properties of Graphene-Based Particle/Polydimethylsiloxane Composites.
writer:Niu, Ran, Jiang Gong, Donghua Xu, Tao Tang, and Zhao-Yan Sun
keywords:Impact of Particle Surface Chemistry on the Structure and Rheological Properties of Graphene-Based Particle/Polydimethylsiloxane Composites.
specific source:Rsc Advances 5, no. 44 (2015 2015): 34885-93.
Issue time:2015年
Niu, Ran, Jiang Gong, Donghua Xu, Tao Tang, and Zhao-Yan Sun. "Impact of Particle Surface Chemistry on the Structure and Rheological Properties of Graphene-Based Particle/Polydimethylsiloxane Composites." Rsc Advances 5, no. 44 (2015 2015): 34885-93.