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- Rheological properties, morphology, mechanical properties, electrical resistivity and EMI SE of cyclic butyl... [2014年]
- Basalt Fiber reinforced PA1012 composites: morphology, mechanical properties, crystallization behaviors, str... [2014年]
- The Effect of Graphite on Water Uptake, Mechanical Properties, Morphology and EMI SE of HDPE/Bamboo flour co... [2014年]
- Investigation on hydrophobic modification of bamboo flour surface by means of atom transfer radical polymeri... [2014年]
- PVDF/PMMA/basalt Fiber Composites: Morphology, Melting and crystallization, structure, mechanical properties... [2014年]
- 宋剑斌,袁全平,傅峰. 茶叶梗/高密度聚乙烯/碳纳米管复合材料流变性能,力学性能,热稳定性研究. 塑料工业,2015,... [2015年]
- 宋剑斌,文月琴,杨文斌. 增容剂对竹粉/HDPE复合材料力学性能及流变性能的影响,塑料工业,2014,8,101-104. CSCD [2014年]
- 宋剑斌,杨文斌,陈丽红,余方兵,吴秋宁,ABS/PETG双连续相形态及流变性能研究, 塑料工业,2013, 5: 101-104. CSCD [2013年]
- Polyvinylidene Fluoride /Poly(Eth- ylene Terephthalate) Conductive Composites for Proton Exchange Membrane F... [2013年]
- The effect of lanthanum oxide (La2O3) on the structure and crystallization of poly(vinylidene fluoride),Pol... [2010年]
- The Turning Point on Plots of logΦand log t of Mo’s Equation, Polymer International, 2009, 58: 807- 810. [2009年]