Effect of the capacity design of activated carbon cathode on the electrochemical performance of lithium-ion capacitors.
writer:Zhi-qiang Shi*, Jin Zhang, Jing Wang, Jingli Shi, Chengyang Wang
keywords:Lithium-ion capacitors, Cathode Capacity design, Mass ratio, Pre-lithiation
specific source:Electrochimica Acta
Issue time:2015年
Lithium-ion capacitors (LICs) are assembled with activated carbon (AC) cathode and pre-lithiated mesocarbon microbeads (MCMB) anode. The effect of AC cathode capacity design on the electrochemical performance of LIC is investigated by the galvanostatic charging-discharging and electrochemicalimpedance tests. As the designed capacity of AC positive electrode is lower than 50 mAhg(-1), the working potential of negative electrode is always in thelow and stable plateau, which is conductive to the sufficient utilization and the working potential stability of positive electrode. When the designed capacity of positive electrode is higher than 50 mAhg(-1), the instability of negative electrode directly causes the reduced utilization and shortened working potential range of the positive electrode, which is responsible for the capacity attenuation and cycle performance deterioration of LIC. Thepositive electrode capacity design can realize the optimization of electrochemical performance of LIC. LIC50 exhibits the optimal electrochemicalperformance, high energy density up to 92.3 Whkg(-1) and power density as high as 5.5 kWkg(-1) (based on active material mass of two electrodes), excellent capacity retention of 97.0% after 1000 cycles. The power density and cycle performance of LIC can be further improved by reducing the AC positive electrode designed capacity.