International Conference on Nanomedicine and NanoBiotechnology
April 6-9, 2015, Hangzhou,
General Theme: Promoting Science and Clinical
Translation of Nanomedicine
Division of
NanoBiotechnology, Biosensors and Biochips,
Asian Federation of Biotechnology
Pharmaceutics Committee of
Chinese Pharmaceutical Association
Nanotoxicology Committee of Chinese
Society for Toxicology
Nanochemistry Committee of Chinese
Society for Chemistry
Zhejiang University, China
International SteEring
Prof. You Han Bae, University
of Utah, USA
Dr. Lajos Balogh, Editor-in -Chief of Nanomedicine
Prof. Ester Chang, Georgetown
University, USA
Prof. Kaixian Chen, Shanghai
University of Chinese Medicine, China
Prof. Xuesi Chen, Changchun
Institute of Applied Sciences, CAS, China
Dr. Jianhua Dong, National Natural Science
Foundation of China
Prof. Jinming Gao, UT
Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, USA
Prof. Ning Gu, Southeast
University, China
Prof. Zhongwei Gu, Sichuan
University, China
Prof. Leaf Huang, University
of North Carolina, USA
Prof. Patrick Hunziker, University of
Basel and President of the European Society of Nanomedicine and the
International Society for Nanomedicine
Prof. Taeghwan Hyeon, Seoul
National University, Korea
Prof. Kazunori Kataoka, Tokyo
University, Japan
Prof. Harald. F. Krug, Swiss
Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
Prof. Dong Soo Lee, Seoul
National University, Korea
Prof. Yaping Li, Shanghai
Institute of Materia Medica, CAS, China
Prof. Weiyue Lu, Fudan
University, China
Dr. Jin Ma, National Natural Science Foundation
of China
Prof. Shuming Nie, Emory
University, USA
Prof. Teruo Okano, Tokyo
Women’s Medical University, Japan
Prof. Dai-Wen Pang, Wuhan
University, China
Prof. Tai Hyun Park, Seoul
National University, Korea
Prof. Wolfgang Parak,
Philipps Universit?t Marburg, Germany
Prof. Yuhong Xu, Shanghai
Jiaotong University, China
Prof. Mengsu (Micheal) Yang,
City University of Hong Kong, China
Prof. Qiang Zhang, Peking
University, China
Prof. Xian-en Zhang, Institute
of Biophysics, CAS, China
Prof. Yuliang Zhao, National
Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China
Prof. Youqing Shen, Zhejiang University,
prof. Qiang Zhang, Beijing University, China
Prof. Xian-en Zhang,
Institute of Biophysics, CAS, China
Organizing COMMITTEE
Prof. Kai Wang, The Second
Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, China
Prof. Jianqing Gao, Zhejiang
University, China
Prof. Hongjie Hu, Sir Run Run
Shaw Hospital, Zhejiang University, China
Prof. Jianbin Tang, Zhejiang University,
Prof. Xiangrui Liu, Zhejiang University,
Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine (Elsevier)(IF5.98)will
publish the selected full papers in a special issue and the accepted abstracts
as a supplementary issue (SCI-indexed).
Supported By
National Natural Science Foundation of China
National Laboratory of Chemical Engineering,
Zhejiang University
Key Laboratory of Biomass Engineering of
Ministry of Education, Zhejiang University
The International Conference on Nanomedicine and
Nanobiotechnology (ChinaNanomedicine 2015) will be held at the Crowne
Plaza Hangzhou Xanadu Resort, China on April 6-9, 2015. The general theme of
the conference is To Promote Science and Clinical
Translation of Nanomedicine by insight and multi-disciplinary discussion of
innovative functional materials for cutting-edge nanomedicine with novel
capabilities and the challenges in clinical translation. Leading academic, clinical
and industrial scientists and experts from China, North America, Europe and
Asia will participate in the conference. A diverse technical program is planned
with inspiring thought leaders.
CONFERENCE TOPICS (The main topics but not limited
? Innovative nanomaterials for nanomedicines
? Nanomedicine for therapy
? Nanobiosensors and biochips
? Translational and personalized nanomedicines
? Nanomedical chemistry and toxicology
? Scientific Programs
Plenary Speakers:
Kaixian Chen (Shanghai Univ.
Traditional Chinese Medicine, China)
Jing Cheng (Tsinghua Univ, China)
Dong Soo Lee (Seoul National Univ,
South Korea)
Kazunori Kataoka (Tokyo Univ, Japan)
Shuming Nie (Emory Univ, USA)
Teruo Okano (Tokyo Women''''s Medical
Univ, Japan)
Wolfgang Parak (Philipps Univ Marburg,
Tai Hyun Park (Seoul National Univ,
South Korea)
Benzhong Tang (Hong Kong Univ. Sci
& Tech, China)
Yuliang Zhao (Natl Center Nano Sci
Tech, China)
Invited Speakers
You Han Bae (Univ Utah)
Lajos Balogh (EIC, Nanomedicine NBM)
Ester Chang (Georgetown Univ.)
Jianjun Cheng (Univ Illinois at UC)
Jinming Gao (UT Southwestern Medical Center)
Man Bock Gu (Korea Univ)
Leaf Huang (Univ North Carolina)
Patrick Hunziker (Univ Hospital Basel)
Gilson Khang (Chonbuk Nat''''l Univ)
Harald. F. Krug (Swiss Federal Lab)
Dong Haeng Lee (Inha Univ)
Doo Sung LEE (SungKyunKwan
Song Li (Univ. Pittsburgh)
Xiaoling Li (Univ Pacific)
Daishun Ling (Seoul Natl Univ)
Huan Meng (UCLA)
Yu-Kyoung Oh (Seoul Natl Univ)
Jianhong Rao (Stanford Univ)
Eiichi Tamiya Osaka Univ)
Chun Wang (Univ Minnesota)
Liangfang Zhang (UC San Diego)
Gang Zheng (Univ Toronto)
Andrew Owen (Univ Liverpool)
? Global Forum for Presidents of Nanomedicine Societies
President of International
Society for Nanomedicines
President of British Society for
President of European Society for
President of Japan Society for
President of Korea Society for
President of Swiss Society for
President of US Society for
Chair of Steering Committee
of Nanomedicine, China
? ? Editors Forum (Nanomedicine, Nature Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials, Advanced
Functional Materials, ACS Nano, Biomaterials, Small, Journal Controlled Release,
Science Bulletin,)
? Social Programs
Crowne Plaza Hangzhou Xanadu Resort,
Hangzhou, China(中国杭州世外桃源皇冠假日酒店)
Registration and Reception: April 6, 2015
Scientific Sessions: April 7-9, 2015
In addition to the
invited lectures, you are cordially invited to present your most recent work
during the oral/poster sessions. Please submit your abstracts before Feb. 10, 2015. Abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee and the participants will
be notified of acceptance. All accepted abstracts will be published in Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and
Medicine as a
supplement issue (Sci-indexed, impact factor: 5.98).
Abstracts for the invited lectures
and poster presentations
should be submitted to the Conference Secretariat by e-mail (nanomedicine@zju.edu.cn or shengroup@zju.edu.cn) or via the website (www.nanomedicine.cn) in MS Word format. The deadline for abstract
submission is February 10, 2015. The abstract should be prepared according to the template provided in
the website (maximum 1 page).
The registration fee covers the
following: welcome
reception, participation in the scientific program, abstract publication, one
poster presentation space, lunch and dinner during the conference, snacks and
beverages during coffee/tea breaks. Registration fee per person is of $300
(RMB1800) before March 10, 2015, or $330 (RMB2000) in case of onsite
registration. Graduate student
registration is available at $250 (RMB.1500) before March 10, 2015 or $300 (RMB1800)
on site per person. On-site registration begins April 6, 2015. Due to limited
space, your early reply may guarantee your participation.
February 10, 2015: Deadline
for abstract submission
February 25, 2015: Decision on abstracts
March 10, 2015: Deadline for payment of fees by bank transfer
Crowne Plaza Hangzhou Xanadu Resort(中国杭州世外桃源皇冠假日酒店) Rate: ~ RMB 500 or 550/Room
Address: 3318 Xiang Lake Road Wenyan Town
Xiaoshan Hangzhou, ZJ 311258 China
We advise
you to apply for a tourist visa to China. We will be happy to provide any
assistance if required. If you need an official invitation letter, please do
not hesitate to contact us (nanomedicine@zju.edu.cn; shengroup@zju.edu.cn).
Address: Department
of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Zhejiang University at Yuquan Campus,
Zheda Rd. 38, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310027 China
Tel: 86-571-87953925; E-mail: nanomedicine@zju.edu.cn or shengroup@zju.edu.cn