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Molecularly Precise Dendrimer–Drug Conjugates with Tunable Drug Release for Cancer Therapy
writer:Zhou Z, Ma X, Murphy CJ, Jin E, Sun Q, Shen YQ.
keywords:Dendrimer conjugate
specific source:Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
Issue time:2014年

The structural preciseness of dendrimers makes them perfect drug delivery carriers, particularly in the form of dendrimer–drug conjugates. Current dendrimer–drug conjugates are synthesized by anchoring drug and functional moieties onto the dendrimer peripheral surface. However, functional groups exhibiting the same reactivity make it impossible to precisely control the number and the position of the functional groups and drug molecules anchored to the dendrimer surface. This structural heterogeneity causes variable pharmacokinetics, preventing such conjugates to be translational. Furthermore, the highly hydrophobic drug molecules anchored on the dendrimer periphery can interact with blood components and alter the pharmacokinetic behavior. To address these problems, we herein report molecularly precise dendrimer–drug conjugates with drug moieties buried inside the dendrimers. Surprisingly, the drug release rates of these conjugates were tailorable by the dendrimer generation, surface chemistry, and acidity.

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