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Challenges in design of translational nanocarriers
writer:Q. Sun, M. Radosz; Y. Shen*
keywords:Drug Delivery, translational
specific source:Journal of Controlled Release 2012, 164(2) 156-169
Issue time:2012年

Cancer drug delivery achieving high therapeutic efficacy and low side effects requires a nanocarrier to tightly retain the drug, efficiently reach the tumor, then quickly enter the tumor cells and release the drug. Furthermore, the nanocarrier intended for clinical applications should use materials safe as pharmaceutical
excipients and its formulation (nanomedicine) should have good manufacture processeswith scale-up ability. Thus, the challenge is to design safe, approvable, and easily scaled-up nanocarriers that simultaneously meet the two pairs of requirements of ‘drug retention in circulation versus intracellular release’ and
‘stealthy in circulation versus sticky (cell-binding) in tumor’ at the right places in order to deliver a cytosolic drug dose lethal to cancer cellswithminimized side effects. Herein,we briefly reviewthese elements aimed at promoting developments of translational nanocarriers.