Rapid Preparation of Crosslinked N-doped Graphene by Burning Method for High-Performance Electrochemical Capacitors
writer:Yujing Suna, Zhicai Xinga, Shu Jianga, Hexin Zhangb,c,*, Gang Weid, Zhuang Lia,*, Xuequan Zhangb,*
specific source:Electrochimica Acta 192 (2016) 243–250
Issue time:2016年
We demonstrated here the crosslinked N-doped graphene (NG) can be rapidly prepared through a onestep burning process of graphene oxide. The doping process completed within 3 minutes and the N content in the obtained NG reached to 5.6%. The obtained crosslinked NG shows mesoporous structure with relatively high specific area, large pore volume and various N types. As a supercapacitor, the resultant NG exhibits rapid diffusion of electrolyte ions and shows superior capacitive performance, excellent specific capacitance (317.5 F/g at the current density of 1 A/g) and high cycling stability (93% retention after 5000 cycles). The obtained results indicate that the crosslinked NG is a promising candidate for creating supercapacitors with high performance and relatively low cost.