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Ferricyanide confined into the integrative system of pyrrolic surfactant and SWCNTs: The enhanced electrochemial sensing of paracetamol
writer:Xiao-Yan Wu, Wen-Jun Niu, Serge Cosnier, Sheng-Yuan Deng, Xue-Ji Zhang, Dan Shan*
keywords:amphiphilic pyrrole derivative Fe(CN)6 3/4 Paracetamol SWCNTs
specific source:Electrochimica Acta
Issue time:2015年

An enhanced paracetamol sensor was developed based on the integrative system of single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and the pyrrolic surfactant, (11-pyrrolyl-1-yl-undecyl)triethylammonium tetra-fluoroborate (A2), in which confined the redox probe, Fe(CN)63-/4-. A well-defined redox peaks of the firmly confined Fe(CN)63-/4- with dramatically negative shift in the half-wave potential compared to Fe(CN)63-/4- in aqueous solution was observed at GCE/polyA2-Fe(CN)63-/4-/SWCNTs. To understand the unusual Fe(CN)63-/4- partitioning in this microheterogeneous system, the responses of the Fe(CN)63-/4- at the electrodes modified by SWCNTs, polyA2, SWCNTs/polyA2, and polyA2/SWCNTs were investigated, respectively. The results of cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) indicated that the proposed electrode exhibiting efficient electrocatalytic capability towards the paracetamol oxidation. Thereafter, an amperometric assay for paracetamol at GCE/polyA2-Fe(CN)63-/4-/SWCNTs was developed at 0.4 V with an enhanced linear range from 3.4X10-7~7.98 X10-4 M.