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【23/04/03】2021级硕士生邵宇正Materials Today:纤维素摩擦电材料用于极端环境能量收集

Abstract:Triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs), as a new energy conversion device in self-powered sensing devices, have been used at extreme environmental conditions, which poses great challenges to the structural stability and chemical tolerance of triboelectric materials. However, the low tolerance characteristics of traditional triboelectric materials limit their expansion in emerging applications. Cellulose, with its unique multidimensional structure and, controlled surface chemistry regulation advantages, shows great potential in resisting extreme environmental conditions and is emerging as a new candidate. This review aims to design and fabricate cellulosic triboelectric materials with exceptional tolerance, providing a perspective on the emerging applications of TENGs at extreme environmental conditions. First, the performance advantages and design principles of action of cellulosic triboelectric materials at extreme environmental conditions are described. Second, the importance of physical and chemical regulation strategies is discussed through the multi-scale perspective from macroscopic fiber bundles to microscopic cellulose molecules. It also presents the latest applications of cellulosic triboelectric materials at extreme environmental conditions such as wide temperature, high humidity, high corrosion, and radiation. Finally, the idea of how cellulosic triboelectric materials can further expand the development of TENGs application areas is presented.