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A star-shaped porphyrin-arginine functionalized poly(L-lysine) copolymer for photo-enhanced drug and gene co-delivery
writer:Dong Ma, Qian-Ming Lin, Li-Ming Zhang, Yuan-Yuan Liang, Wei Xue
keywords:Co-delivery Arginine Lysine Photo-enhanced Porphyrin Star polymers
Issue time:2014年

The co-delivery of drug and gene has become the primary strategy in cancer and other disease therapy.

To co-deliver hydrophobic drug and functional gene efficiently into tumor cells, a star-shaped copolymer

(PP-PLLD-Arg) with a photochemical internalization effect consisting of a porphyrin (PP) core and

arginine-functionalized poly(L-lysine) dendron (PLLD-Arg) arms has been designed, and used to codeliver

docetaxel (DOC) and MMP-9 shRNA plasmid for nasopharyngeal cancer therapy. It was found

that PP-PLLD-Arg/MMP-9 nanocomplex showed the photo-enhanced gene transfection efficiency in vitro,

and could mediate a significant reduce of MMP-9 protein expression in HNE-1 cells. For co-delivery

analysis, the obtained PP-PLLD-Arg/DOC/MMP-9 complexes could induce a more significant apoptosis

than DOC or MMP-9 used only, and decreased invasive capacity of HNE-1 cells. Moreover, the star-shaped

copolymer exhibited better blood compatibility and lower cytotoxicity compared to PEI-25k in the hemolysis

and MTT assays, and also showed a good biocompatibility in vivo. Therefore, PP-PLLD-Arg with

suited irradiation is a promising non-toxic and photo-inducible effective drug and gene delivery strategy,

which should be encouraged in tumor therapy.