Leaf-like V2O5 Nanosheets Fabricated by a Facile Green Approach as High Energy Cathode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, 2013, 3(9): 1171–1175
writer:Yanwei Li, Jinhuan Yao, Evan Uchaker, Jianwen Yang, Yunxia Huang, Ming Zhang, and Guozhong Cao*
keywords:V2O5, Lithium ion batteries, Cathode
specific source:Advanced Energy Materials, 2013, 3(9): 1171–1175
Issue time:2013年
In summary, we have developed a facile, green, and lowcost
synthesis of 2D leaf-like V 2 O 5 nanosheets. The unique
nanoscale characteristics, including 2D morphology, hierarchical
porous structure, large specifi c surface, of these 2D V 2 O 5
nanosheets leads to the superior electrochemical performance
in terms of their specifi c capacity, rate capability, and cyclability
when they are used as a cathode material for LIBs. The
obtained excellent performance opens up new opportunities
in the development of high performance next-generation LIBs
used for alternative energy and electric transportation. The proposed
synthetic method may be easily extended to other layered
materials which can be used in broad fi elds including catalysis
and sensors.