Email: wangyonl@gmail.com
Microphase ordering in block copolymers and mesophase formation in thermotropic liquid crystals are two examples of phenomena that manifest themselves primarily on mesoscopic length- and time-scale. Both processes occur in a large class of liquid crystal molecules and polymers and a large amount of experiments had been carried out to validate these processes.
Fifty years ago, Onsager showed that long rod-like particles, interacting only through excluded-volume interactions, form a nematic phase upon increasing the density. Many liquid crystal phase have been nominated from the experiments. But the reason for the diversity of the phases is still mysterious to us. Since then, many computer simulations of liquid-crystal behavior had been performed using hard-core model such as spherocylinders and the Gay-Berne potential.
DPD, which is a robust tool for us to investigate condensed soft matter systems, (including polymer, nano-particle & polymer and colloid), gives us a semi-quantitative coincidence with the theory for the location of phase transition. This simulation method, may help us to unveil the nature of the phenomena to some extents.
Now working in Stockholm university.