Frequency- and strain-amplitude-dependent dynamical mechanical properties and hysteresis loss of CB-filled vulcanized natural rubber
writer:Wenbo Luo, Xiaoling Hu, Chuhong Wang and Qifu Li
keywords:Carbon-black-filled rubber; Hysteresis loss; Loss modulus; Payne effect; Strain amplitude; Frequency
specific source:International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2010,52(2):168-174
Issue time:2010年
The dynamic mechanical behavior of carbon-black-filled vulcanized natural rubber is experimentally investigated by stretching the rubber strips with various strain amplitudes at different frequencies in a sinusoidal tension mode. The Payne effect is demonstrated and the frequency- and strain-amplitude-dependent hysteresis losses are determined by DMA measurements. The Kraus model is used for describing the Payne effect. The results show that hysteresis loss increases with increase in frequency and strain amplitude. A viscoelastic model, which correlates the hysteresis loss with strain amplitude and loss modulus, is used to calculate the energy dissipated in a full deformation cycle. The model prediction is shown to be in good agreement with the experimental result.