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课题组在《RSC advance》上发表光催化固氮综述

近期,课题组黄蓉同学的光催化固氮综述文章被《RSC advance》(IF:3.119)期刊接受。该综述从光催化固氮的活性中心和铵离子的检测两个方面来总结了近期光催化固氮的研究成果。


     Photocatalytic nitrogen fixation has become a hot topic in recent years due to its mild and sustainable advantages. While modifying the photocatalyst to enhance its ability of electron separation, light absorption and nitrogen reduction ability, the role of active sites in the catalytic reaction cannot be ignored because the N≡N nitrogen is too strong to activate. This review summarizes the recent researches on nitrogen fixation, focusing on the active sites for N2 on the catalyst surface, classifying common active sites,explaining the main role and additional role of active sites in catalytic reactions, and discussing the methods to increase the number of active sites and their activation ability. Finally, the outlook for future research is presented. It’s hoped this review could help researchers understand more about the activation of the nitrogen molecules and lead more efforts into the research of nitrogen fixation photocatalysts.

文章链接: https://doi.org/10.1039/D0RA10439F

        Fig.1. A simple diagram of photocatalytic nitrogen fixation.

Fig.2. Schematic diagram of the electronic band structure of several typical semiconductor photocatalytic materials.

 Fig.3. Methods to improve the efficiency of charge separation of catalyst

文章链接: https://doi.org/10.1039/D0RA10439F