The formation of silver nanofibres by liquid/liquid interfacial reactions:mechanistic aspects
作者:Kun Luo , Robert A. W. Dryfe
关键字:nanofibres,liquid/liquid interfacial reactions,?mechanistic aspects
具体来源:New Journal of Chemistry
?The liquid/liquid interfacial reaction (LLIR) between silver nitrate in aqueous solution and ferrocene in organic solution has been investigated: the resultant silver deposit is found to contain
long, well-defined nanometre scale fibres, together with thin silver nanowire networks. In situ optical microscopy and ex situ scanning electron microscopy indicate that the 1D growth of the
interfacial deposits is due to recrystallisation of the structure formed initially. Geometric factors are found to exert a larger effect on the 1D growth of silver by LLIRs compared to the
electrochemical mechanism previously suggested by Scholz et al.