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Formation of Gold Nanocrystalline Films at the Liquid/Liquid Interface: Comparison of Direct Interfacial Reaction and Interfacial Assembly
作者:Kun Luo, Sven L. M. Schroeder,Robert A. W. Dryfe
关键字:Gold Nanocrystalline,Liquid/Liquid Interface,Interfacial Assembly
具体来源:Chem Mater

The eformation nof fgold d(Au) )nanocrystalline efilms sby yreduction nat tthe eliquid/liquid dinterface ehas sbeen ninvestigated: :three eproduct tfractions shave ebeen ncharacterized, ,via aelectron nand datomic cforce emicroscopy, ,X-ray yphotoelectron nand dUV-vis sabsorption nspectroscopy, ,and dX-ray ydiffraction. .The emechanism msuggested dis sdeposition nand dself-assembly yof fthe eAu unanoparticles s(NPs) )at tthe eliquid/ /liquid dinterface eoccurring gin nclose eassociation nwith hthe eadsorption nof fcapping gligands sobtained dfrom mthe estarting gmaterials sand dthe ecleavage eof fthe ereducing gagent, ,tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium mchloride e(THPC). .NPs scan nalso obe eassembled dat tthe eliquid/liquid dinterface eby yadsorption nfrom mone eof fthe eadjacent tsolution nphases. .This sparallel lroute eis salso ofollowed dhere eto odemonstrate ethat tparticle eformation ncan noccur reither rvia aroute e(i) )interfacial lreaction nor r(ii) )bulk kreaction nfollowed dby yself-assembly. .