【Progress in Polymer Science】Advances in design and biomedical application of hierarchical polymer brushes(IF=29.19)
writer:Ran Yang, Xiaodan Wang, Alideertu Dong, Shifang Luan*, Jinghua Yin.
keywords:Hierarchical polymer brushes, Living grafting polymerization
specific source:progress in polymer science,Volume 118, July 2021, 101409
Issue time:2021年
Recent decades have witnessed abundant research on surface modifications to hierarchical polymer brushes for multiple biomedical applications. The rational design and spatial structural characteristics of hierarchical polymer brushes can minimize the interference between different grafted segments and maximize the smart performance. In particular, the intelligent stimulus-responsive surfaces of hierarchical polymer brushes can biologically self-adapt through synergy between different segments, thereby making these brushes especially attractive for biomedical applications. This review systematically summarizes the recent developments in the construction and biological application of hierarchical polymer brushes, highlighting the rational design of numerous platforms to address various aspects of complex biological scenarios. The review also identifies several remaining challenges for the development of hierarchical polymer brushes and indicates avenues for achieving advanced self-adaptability in biomedical materials.