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课题组张佳楠教授受邀为Chem Catalysis杂志撰写文章评述

    由于张佳楠教授团队在单原子分散金属催化剂方面的原创性工作,近日课题组受邀为Chem Catalysis撰写评述性文章,评述的文章为近期发表于Chem Catalysis杂志的《用于结合高本征活性和高效传质的氧还原的多尺度多孔碳框架上的边缘 Fe-N3 位点》(Edge-hosted Fe-N3 sites on a multiscale porous carbon framework combining high intrinsic activity with efficient mass

transport for oxygen reduction)

  In recent issue of Chem Catalysis, Fei, Ye and Ge’s groups report a novel Fe-N/C catalyst with unique configuration of edge-hosted Fe-N3 sites on the multiscale porous carbon framework, which presents an outstanding ORR activity. This work provides a unique strategy for designing high performance catalyst by optimizing chemical coordination of Fe-Nx active sites.

