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- Strain Hardening Behavior of Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Borate Hydrogels
- Dependences of Rheological and Compression Mechanical Properties on Cellular Structures for Impact-Protective Materi...
- Liquid crystal self-assembly of halloysite nanotubes in ionic liquids: a novel soft nanocomposite ionogel electrolyt...
- Selective Modification of Halloysite Nanotubes with 1-Pyrenylboronic Acid: A Novel Fluorescence Probe with Highly Se...
- High-efficiency grafting of halloysite nanotubes by using p-conjugated polyfluorenes via ‘‘click’’ chemistry
- High-performance ionic liquid-based nanocomposite polymer electrolytes with anisotropic ionic conductivity prepared ...
- Liquid crystalline phase behavior andfiber spinning of cellulose/ionic liquid/halloysite nanotubes dispersions
- Liquid Crystalline Phase Behavior and Sol–Gel Transition in Aqueous Halloysite Nanotube Dispersions
- Nanocomposite films based on cellulose reinforced with nano-SiO2: microstructure, hydrophilicity, thermal stability,...
- Preparation and characterization of bionanocomposite fiber based oncellulose and nano-SiO2using ionic liquidHong-
- High tensile strength and high ionic conductivity bionanocomposite ionogels prepared by gelation of cellulose/ionic ...
- Preparation and morphology of different types of cellulose spherulites from concentrated cellulose ionic liquid solu...
- Liquid Crystalline Transition and Gel-Sol Transitions for concentrated Microcrystalline Cellulose (MCC)/1-Ethyl-3-Me...
- Phase Transition and Rheological Behaviors of Concentrated Cellulose/Ionic Liquid Solutions
- Preparation, Stability and Rheology of Polyacrylamide/Pristine Layered Double Hydroxide Nanocomposites
- Studies on the Morphological, Rheological, Electrical, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of the PTT/SCF Composites
- Preparation, Structure, and Properties of the PTT/SGF Composites
- Crystal Morphology, Melting Behaviors and Isothermal Crystallization Kinetics of SCF/PTT Composites
- Crystal morphology and nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of short carbon Fiber/Poly(trimethylene terephthalate)...