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SFPC课题组第81篇论文发表在Composites Science and Technology上

Chaobo Liang, Ping Song, Aijie Ma, Xuetao Shi, Hongbo Gu, Lei Wang, Hua Qiu, Jie Kong, Junwei Gu*. Highly oriented three-dimensional structures of Fe3O4 decorated CNTs/reduced graphene oxide foam/epoxy nanocomposites against electromagnetic pollution. Composites Science and Technology, 2019,181: 107683. 2017IF=5.160. (1区/Top期刊:复合材料领域顶尖期刊)

Abstract: Three-dimensional Fe3O4 decorated carbon nanotubes/reduced graphene oxide foam/epoxy (3D Fe3O4-CNTs/rGF/EP) nanocomposites with highly oriented three-dimensional structures were fabricated by facile template method. Scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), thermal gravimetric analyses (TGA), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman all proved the successfully graft of Fe3O4 onto the surface of CNTs and the formation of interconnected 3D highly aligned porous framework inner Fe3O4-CNTs/rGF. Owing to the presence of Fe3O4 and 3D nanohybrid framework, the obtained 3D Fe3O4-CNTs/rGF/EP nanocomposites with 0.24 wt% rGF and 2.76 wt% Fe3O4-CNTs showed remarkable electrical conductivity of 15.3 S/m and wonderful EMI SE value of 36 dB within the X-band range, almost 482% enhancement compared to physically blended Fe3O4-CNTs/EP nanocomposites without three-dimensional structure (~6 dB). The excellent magnetic property and efficient 3D framework structures are considered as the main reasons for outstanding EMI shielding performances of the 3D Fe3O4-CNTs/rGF/EP nanocomposites.