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[Science Bulletin] High-strength super-hydrophobic double-layered PBO nanofiber-polytetrafluoroethylene nanocomposite paper for high-performance wave-transparent applications
writer:Lin Tang, Yusheng Tang, Junliang Zhang, Yuhan Lin, Jie Kong, Kun Zhou* and Junwei Gu*
keywords:Polymer matrix wave-transparent composites
specific source:Science Bulletin
Issue time:2022年

Lin Tang, Yusheng Tang, Junliang Zhang, Yuhan Lin, Jie Kong, Kun Zhou* and Junwei Gu*. High-strength super-hydrophobic double-layered PBO nanofiber-polytetrafluoroethylene nanocomposite paper for high-performance wave-transparent applications. Science Bulletin, 2022, 67(21): 2196-2207. 2021IF=20.577.(1区综合类Top期刊,中国科技期刊卓越行动计划-领军类期刊项目,2021中国最具国际影响力学术期刊)


Poly(p-phenylene-2, 6-benzobisoxazole) nanofiber (PNF) paper is facing unprecedented challenges in enhancing the interaction between the PNFs and improving its hydrophobicity. In this work, a sol–gel film transformation approach was developed to fabricate high-strength PNF paper. Iron ions formed coordination bonds between PNFs to obtain a preforming three-dimensional, interconnective nanofiber network. Subsequently, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) particles were sprayed onto the surface of the paper, followed by thermal treatment to obtain double-layered PTFE-P/PNF nanocomposite paper. The nanocomposite paper presents incredible tensile strength (271.6 MPa, increased by 52.9%), folding endurance, super-hydrophobicity, and self-cleaning performances. Moreover, it exhibits low dielectric constant (2.06) and dielectric loss tangent (0.0133) values. According to the wave-transparent model for a double-layered dielectric established by Maxwell’s equations, the wave-transparent coefficients of electromagnetic waves incident from both sides of the paper are 97.6% (PNF side) and 96.0% (PTFE/P(S-co-BCB-co-MMA) side), respectively. The PTFE-P/PNF nanocomposite paper possesses great potential in the fields of wave-transparent applications.

聚对苯撑苯并二噁唑(PBO)纤维衍生的PBO纳米纤维(PNFs)纸在航空/航天、交通运输和5G通讯等领域具有广阔的应用前景。如何改善PNFs间的相互作用力以及提高PNFs纸的疏水性能,仍是该领域的一个难点。本文通过Fe3+与PNFs表面N原子的配位作用在PNFs间构建金属配位键,并通过溶胶-凝胶-薄膜转化法制备PNFs纸。进而在PNFs纸表面喷涂聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)颗粒/P(S-co-BCB-co-MMA)混合溶液,通过热交联制备双层结构PTFE-P/PNFs纳米复合纸。基于金属配位键和氢键的双重作用,PTFE-P/PNFs纳米复合纸具有优异的抗拉强度(271.6 MPa,提高52.9%)、耐折性、超疏水性和自清洁性能。此外,它具有较低的介电常数(2.06)和介电损耗正切(0.0133)值。根据麦克斯韦方程组建立的双层介质透波模型,电磁波从PTFE-P/PNFs纳米复合纸的两侧入射的透过率分别为97.6%(PNF侧)和96.0%(PTFE/P(S-co-BCB-co-MMA)侧)。本工作研制的高强度、超疏水聚对苯撑苯并二噁唑纳米透波复合纸有望在航空/航天、交通运输和5G通讯的雷达天线罩、电磁窗等领域获得广泛的应用。