[Science Bulletin] New generation electromagnetic materials: harvesting instead of dissipation solo
writer:?Yali Zhang, Jie Kong* and Junwei Gu*
keywords:Electromagnetic interference shielding
specific source:Science Bulletin
Issue time:2022年
Yali Zhang, Jie Kong* and Junwei Gu*. New generation electromagnetic materials: harvesting instead of dissipation solo. Science Bulletin, 2022, 67(14): 1413-1415. 2021IF=20.577.(1区综合类Top期刊,中国科技期刊卓越行动计划-领军类期刊项目,2021中国最具国际影响力学术期刊)
The rapid advancement of 5G communication has propelled society into the intelligent era. Compared with the previous 4G communication, the 5G communication system has ten times higher emission powder, nevertheless, the energy usage during electromagnetic (EM) signal transmission is only half that of the 4G system. As a result, high density of EM energy is radiated into the air, resulting in severe EM pollution that not only endangers human health but also compromises information security. In addition to EM pollution, the lack of high-efficiency usage of EM energy has been another ignored issue for currently energy crisis. This perspective puts forward strategies to utilize the EM energy, key challenges that should be overcome, as well as insights to overcome these barriers to realize highly efficient EM harvester.