[Sustainable Materials and Technologies]Honeycomb structural rGO-MXene/epoxy nanocomposites for superior electromagnetic interference shielding performance
writer:Ping Song#, Hua Qiu#, Lei Wang, Xinyu Liu, Yali Zhang, Junliang Zhang, Jie Kong and Junwei Gu*
keywords:Honeycomb, MXene, electromagnetic interference shielding
specific source:Sustainable Materials and Technologies
Issue time:2020年
Honeycomb structural rGO (rGH) was constructed by taking Al2O3 honeycomb as template, and MXene was then self-assembled on the rGH via electrostatic adsorption, to obtain honeycomb structural rGO-MXene (rGMH). Afterwards, the rGMH/epoxy nanocomposites with outstanding electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding performance were successfully prepared by addition of epoxy resin. The introduction of 3D rGMH can fully play synergistic effects of rGO and MXene, to greatly improve the electrical conductivity (σ) and EMI shielding effectiveness (EMI SE) values of rGMH/epoxy nanocomposites. With the same loading of MXene, the σand EMI SE values of rGMH/epoxy nanocomposites decrease with the increase of honeycomb cell size. Significantly enhanced σ (387.1 S/m) and EMI SE (55 dB) values are achieved when applying the cell size of 0.5 mm with 1.2 wt% rGO + 3.3 wt% MXene loading, which are respectively 2978 and 5 times of rGM/epoxy nanocomposites (σ of 0.13 S/m, EMI SE of 11 dB) at the same loading of directly blending rGO-MXene fillers.
以氧化铝(Al2O3)蜂窝为模板构建还原氧化石墨烯(rGO)蜂窝结构(rGH),并基于静电吸附将MXene自组装在rGH上得到具有一定结构承载性和完善导电网络的rGO-MXene蜂窝结构(rGMH),再浇注环氧树脂、经高温固化制备rGMH/环氧树脂电磁屏蔽纳米复合材料。结果表明,rGMH三维骨架结构的引入可以充分发挥rGO和MXene的协同作用,大幅度提升rGMH/环氧树脂电磁屏蔽纳米复合材料的电导率(s)和电磁屏蔽效能(EMI SE)。在MXene用量相同时,rGMH/环氧树脂纳米复合材料的s和EMI SE均随蜂窝孔径的增大而减小。当蜂窝孔格为0.5mm,rGO和MXene用量分别为1.2 wt%和3.3 wt%时,rGMH/环氧树脂电磁屏蔽纳米复合材料具有最高的s(387.1 S/m)和EMI SE(55dB),是同等用量共混(rGO-MXene,rGM)/环氧树脂电磁屏蔽纳米复合材料的(s为0.13 S/m,EMI SE为11dB)2978和5倍。