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SFPC课题组碳纤维增强聚醚醚酮复合材料工作发表在Interdisciplinary Materials上

Zheng Liu#, Xuerong Fan#, Xinghan Lu, Xuetao Shi*, Junliang Zhang, Hua Guo, Mukun He and Junwei Gu*. Interface strengthening for carbon fiber-reinforced poly(ether-ether-ketone) laminated composites by introducing fluorene-containing branched poly(aryl-ether-ketone). Interdisciplinary Materials, 2024, DOI: 10.1002/idm2.12200. 2023IF=24.5.(中国科技期刊卓越行动计划-高起点新刊)


Fluorene-containing branched poly(aryl-ether-ketone) (BFPAEK) with terminal hydroxyl groups is synthesized by random co-polycondensation reaction, and then the CF@BFPAEK/PEEK laminated composite is prepared by the "powder impregnation-high temperature compression molding" method with poly(ether-ether-ketone) (PEEK) as the matrix and BFPAEK modified carbon fiber (CF@BFPAEK) as the reinforcement. When the content of branched units in BFPAEK is 10% and the coating amount of BFPAEK on the CF surface is 3 wt%, the CF@BFPAEK/PEEK laminated composite has the outstanding mechanical properties, with the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) of 57.3 MPa and flexural strength of 589.4 MPa, which are 80.2% and 44.3% higher than those of the pure CF/PEEK laminated composite (31.8 MPa and 408.4 MPa), respectively. After 288 hours of hydrothermal aging and high/low temperature alternating aging, the corresponding retention rate of ILSS and flexural strength are respectively 87.9% and 84.7%, higher than those of pure CF/PEEK laminated composites (74.5% and 70.4%). The thermal conductivity coefficient and temperature for 5% weight loss of CF@BFPAEK/PEEK laminated composite are 1.85 W/(m·K) and 538.0oC, respectively.

本文以双酚芴、二氟二苯甲酮和间苯三酚为原料,采用三元无规共缩聚反应合成端羟基的含芴支化聚芳醚酮(BFPAEK)。以聚醚醚酮(PEEK)为基体、BFPAEK表面功能化改性的碳纤维(CF@BFPAEK)为增强体,经“粉末浸渍-高温模压”成型制备CF@BFPAEK/PEEK层压复合材料。核磁共振波谱(NMR)、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)和体积排除色谱(SEC)证明成功合成出具有预期分子结构的BFPAEK。BFPAEK分子结构中的芴基和端羟基能够通过π-π共轭作用和氢键等次价键力增强其与CF间相互作用力;BFPAEK能够与PEEK间相互扩散形成稳定界面层,改善PEEK基体与CF@BFPAEK间的界面粘接强度。当BFPAEK中支化单元的含量为10 wt%且在CF表面的包覆量为3 wt%时,CF@BFPAEK/PEEK层压复合材料具有最佳的力学性能,优异的导热性能和热稳定性。其层间剪切强度(ILSS)和弯曲强度分别为57.3 MPa和589.4 MPa,较纯CF/PEEK层压复合材料(31.8 MPa和408.4 MPa)分别提升了80.2%和44.3%。经288小时的水热老化和高低温交变老化后仍具有优异的力学性能,ILSS和弯曲强度保持率分别为87.9%和84.7%,也明显高于纯CF/PEEK层压复合材料的74.5%和70.4%。CF@BFPAEK/PEEK层压复合材料的导热系数和5%热失重温度分别为1.85 W/(m·K)和538.0oC。


1. BFPAEK的起始热分解温度为404.1oC,能满足CF/PEEK层压复合材料成型过程中的加工温度要求。

2. BFPAEK通过π-π共轭作用和氢键等次价键力增强CF与PEEK树脂间的界面作用力,同步提升了CF@BFPAEK/PEEK层压复合材料的力学性能、导热性能和热稳定性能。

3. CF@BFPAEK/PEEK层压复合材料的ILSS和弯曲强度分别较纯CF/PEEK层压复合材料提升了80.2%和44.3%,其导热系数和5%热失重温度分别为1.85 W/(m·K)和538.0oC。


