(Polymer) Hexavalent Chromium Synthesized Polyaniline Nanostructures: Magnetoresistance and Electrochemical Energy Storage Behaviors
writer:H. Gu, H. Wei, J. Guo, N. Haldolaarachige, D. P. Young, S.Wei and Z. Guo
keywords:Hexavalent Chromium, Polyaniline Nanostructure
specific source:Polymer
Issue time:2013年
In this work, the oxidant Cr(VI) dose was observed to have influenced the polyaniline (PANI) nanostructures as well as the crystallization structure. The temperature dependent resistivity study revealed a quasi 3-dimensional variable range hopping (VRH) electrical conduction mechanism. The permittivity was found to be affected by the PANI nanostructures. The observed positive MR at room temperature in the synthesized PANI samples was analyzed by the wave-function shrinkage model. The electrochemical energy storage was investigated using the cyclic voltammetry (CV) and galvanostatic charge–discharge measurements. The highest gravimetric capacitance of 298.5 F g?1 was obtained in the prepared PANI sample using 3 mmol K2Cr2O7 derived from the CV at a scan rate of 5 mV s?1 and the maximum value of gravimetric capacitance of 330.2 F g?1 was achieved in the galvanostatic charge–discharge measurements at a current density of 0.5 A g?1. After applying an external magnetic field, the capacitance decreased due to the observed positive magnetoresistance phenomenon. The cyclic stability studies revealed that the synthesized PANI samples exhibited good durability and retained around 80% of the capacitance even after 1000 charge–discharge galvanostatic cycles.