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Study on Properties of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes/Epoxy Composites
writer:H. Gu, J. He, P. Fan, Y. Huang, Y. Huang
keywords:Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes, Epoxy Composites
specific source:Chemistry and Adhesion
Issue time:2007年

     Multi - walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) / epoxy compositeswere p repared by the combination of the physical and chemical methods. The relation between tensile strength and tensile modulus ofMWNTs/ epoxy composite and the addition amount ofMWNTswas investigated bymechanical tensile test. The tensile cross - section of the MWNTs/ epoxy composite was analyzed by SEM. Their electrical p roperties were also tested. The results showed that theMWNTswhich were treated by chemical acidification dispersed well in composites and themechanical p roperties imp roved obviously, however their electrical p ropertieswere lower compared with untreated composites