104. Fabrication of biodegradable composite microneedles based on calcium sulfate and gelatin for transdermal delivery of insulin
writer:Weijiang Yu, Guohua Jiang,* Depeng Liu, Lei Li, Hua Chen, Yongkun Liu, Qin Huang, Zaizai Tong, et al
keywords:biodegradable; microneedles; insulin; transdermal delivery; hypoglycemic effect
specific source:Materials Science & Engineering, C: 2017, 71, 725-734.
Issue time:2017年
Abstract: To reduce the inconvenience and pain of subcutaneous needle injection, the calcium sulfate and gelatin biodegradable composite microneedle patches with high aspect-ratio microneedles (MNs) and a flexible substrate have been developed. The microneedles with an aspect-ratio approximate 6:1 exhibit excellent mechanical property which can achieve 0.4N for each needle. The cross-section views show the inside of microneedles that have abundant pores and channels which offer potential for different drug-release profiles. The preparation procedures, degradable property for the biodegradable composite microneedle patches are described in the paper. Insulin, the drug to control blood glucose levels in diabetic patients, has been embeded into the biodegradable composite MNs. The hypoglycemic effect for transdermal delivery of insulin is studied using diabetic Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats as models in vivo. After transdermal administration to the diabetic rats, the released insulin from biodegradable composite MNs exhibit an obvious and effective hypoglycemic effect for longer time compared with that of subcutaneous injection route. This work suggests that biodegradable composite MNs containing of insulin have a potential application in diabetes treatment via transdermal ingestion.