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祝贺黄学武同学的文章被ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces接收!


Journal: ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

Manuscript ID: am-2019-04304d.R2

Title: "A superhydrophilic, underwater superoleophobic and highly stretchable humidity and chemical vapor sensor for human breath detection"

Authors: Huang, Xuewu; Li, Bei; Wang, Ling; Lai, Xuejun; Xue, Huai-Guo; Gao, Jie-feng

Manuscript Status: Accept

Dear Dr. Gao:

We are pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Your manuscript has been forwarded to the ACS Publications office.  You will be contacted in the near future by the ACS Journal Publishing Staff regarding the proofs for your manuscript. Please note: An ACS ID is required to access proof materials. If you do not have an ACS ID, you will be prompted to create one or go to http://www.acschemworx.org  to register.

After you approve your proofs, your manuscript will be published on the Web in approximately 48 hours. In view of this fast publication time, it is important to review your proofs carefully.  Once a manuscript appears on the Web it is considered published. Any change to the manuscript once it appears on the Web will need to be submitted to the journal office as additions or corrections.

Once your paper is published, you can track downloads and citations of your work by logging into the ACS Publishing Center (https://pubs.acs.org/publish/dashboard) and selecting “Published”.


Prof. Dr. Peter Müller-Buschbaum

Associate Editor

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

Phone: +1 (434) 326-0852

Fax: 12025138594

Editor Email: muellerb-office@ami.acs.org