- Prof. Dr. Yong Wang
- State Key Lab of Materials-Oriented Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Technology
- Welcome to dreiwang.polymer.cn
- Visits:635342
Current Location :> Home > PUBLICATIONS
- J Mater Chem C, 2013, 2013,1, 1029-1036: Highly ordered TiO2 nanostructures by sequential vapour infiltration of blo...
- J Mater Chem, 2012, 22, 20542-20548:Swelling-induced mesoporous block copolymer membranes with intrinsically active ...
- Nano Lett., 2012, 12, 5033-5038: Highly Porous Metal Oxide Networks of Interconnected Nanotubes by Atomic Layer Depo...
- J. Membr. Sci., 2012, 415-416, 435-443.: Atomic layer deposition of alumina on porous polytetrafluoroethylene membra...
- J Membrane Sci, 2012, 397-399, 17-23:Modification of ceramic membranes for pore structure tailoring: The atomic laye...
- Langmuir, 2012,28, 3011-3017: Water-dispersible, uniform nanospheres via heating-enabled micellization of amphiphili...