Experimental verification and finite element modeling of radial truck tire under static loading
writer:Wang Wei, Yan Shan, Zhao Shugao
keywords:Radial tire, finite element modeling, static loading, contact pressure
specific source:Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites,2013.32(7):490-498.
Issue time:2013年
Based on taking comprehensively into account the actual structure of the
radial truck tire, including the contact non-linearity boundaries, such as
tire-rim and tire-road interactions, an axisymmetric model and a threedimensional
nonlinear finite element tire model having four circumferential
ribs are constructed in this investigation. With the aid of ABAQUS finite
element analysis code, the static vertical loading procedure of the tire is
simulated. The relationship between vertical load and vertical deflection,
the contact patches with pressure distribution obtained by pressuresensing
pad experiment and finite element modeling are exhibited in this
paper. It is shown that the results predicted by simulation are in good
agreement with those of experiment. Moreover, the forces of belts and
carcass obtained from finite element model are also presented when the
tire subjected to vertical load and contacted with rigid road. The reliability
of the proposed FE tire model and analysis methodology is verified.