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Structure and properties of halogen-free flame retardant poly (vinyl alcohol)/melamine phosphate composites
writer:Dan Guo, Shibing Bai, Qi Wang
keywords:Halogen-free flame retardant, Poly (vinyl alcohol), Melamine phosphate, Thermal processing
Issue time:2013年
This paper reported the structure and properties of halogen-free flame retardant poly (vinyl alcohol) /melamine phosphate (PVA/MP) composites prepared through thermal processing using water as plasticzer. SEM analysis showed that the halogen-free flame retardant MP was well dispersed in PVA matrix due to the strong interactions between MP and PVA. Combustion test showed that the prepared composites had excellent flame retardancy, its limiting oxygen index (LOI) reached 35% and passed the UL94 V-0 rating test, and compared to the control sample, its peak heat release rate (PHRR) declined, the temperature at the maximum peak heat release rate (TP) shifted to higher temperature, the total heat released (THR) and the heat release capacity (HRC) decreased significantly. The catalytic effect of MP on the dehydration and decarboxylation reactions of PVA, and the chemical reactivity of MP during the chars forming reactions could be used to account for the improved flame retardancy of the halogen-free flame retardant PVA/MP composites. The composites showed potential applications as a novel halogen-free flame retardant polymer with excellent comprehensive properties.