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[Adv. Mater. Interfaces] 3D Graphene Oxide Micropatterns Achieved by Roller-Assisted Microcontact Printing Induced Interface Integral Peel and Transfer
作者:Peng Xiao, SY Du, T Zhang, NX Qiu, JW Zhang, YJ Huang, Rainer Jordan, Q Huang, ZP Liu, Tao Chen*
关键字:3D graphene oxide architectures, roller-assisted microcontact printing, surface patterning, 2D Janus hybrid thin film, flexible electronics
具体来源:Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, Inpress
Most fascinating applications of graphene based devices are highly depended on the precise fabrication of patterned graphene microstructures. While considerable progress of two-dimensional (2D) patterning of graphene has been achieved with various lithographic techniques, the realization of patterned three-dimensional (3D) graphene microstructures still remains a significant challenge. Here, we report a rapid and highly scalable roller-assisted microcontact printing (RAμCP) strategy for the fabrication of 3D graphene oxide micropatterns. The facile RAμCP allows for the robust negative duplication of 3D topologies of the microstructured stamp using chemically modified graphene as the inks. The patterned 3D graphene microstructures exhibit interesting properties of graphene itself and allow for further functionlization of polymers to enable the potential integration of the 3D patterned microstructures into next-generation 2D Janus hybrid thin film for chemical sensors and other electronic devices.