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[Polymer Chemistry] Mussel-inspired multifunctional supramolecular hydrogels with self-healing, shape memory and adhesive properties
作者:ZW Li, W Lu, T Ngai, XX Le, J Zheng, N Zhao, H Xiao, YJ Huang, XF Wen, Jiawei Zhang* and Tao Chen*
关键字:Hydrogel, Supramolecualr interaction, shape memory
具体来源:Polymer Chemistry, 2016, 7, 5343-5376
A novel multifunctional supramolecular hydrogel with self-healing, shape memory and adhesive properties is successfully developed on the basis of dynamic phenylboronic acid (PBA)-catechol interactions. Thereversible nature of PBA-catechol bonds renders the hydrogel outstanding self-healing and shape memory behaviors, and the mussel-inspired catechol moieties generate fascinating adhesive properties.