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[Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.] Tillandsia-inspired Hygroscopic Photothermal Organogels for Efficient Atmospheric Water Harvesting
作者:Feng Ni, N.X. Qiu, Peng Xiao,* C. Zhang, Y.K. Jian, Y. Liang, W. Xie, L.K. Yan, Tao Chen*
关键字:bioinspired, hygroscopic photothermal organogels, continuous moisture sorption, interfacial solar desorption, atmospheric water collection
具体来源:Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2020, 59,19237-19246
Tillandsia species with degenerated roots have evolved into hygroscopic leaves that absorb moisture from air, transport water molecules from the leaves surface to internal network via osmotic pressure and further hold them for sustainable growing requirements. This interesting biological adaptability has inspired us to develop an integrated hygroscopic photothermal organogel (POG) to achieve a solar-powered atmospheric water harvesting (AWH). The welldesigned hydrophilic co-polymeric skeleton is fabricated to accommodate hygroscopic glycerin medium, which enables the POG self-contained property, mechanically flexibility and synergistic enhancement of moisture sorption. Moreover, the glycerin in the POG allows a rapid water diffusion driven by osmotic effect, thereby quickly reactivating the sorption binding sites for continuous and highcapacity moisture sorption. In addition, the integration of interpenetrated photothermal component of poly-pyrrole-dopamine (P-Py-DA) can endow the POG an efficient solar-to-thermal property for controllable solar-driven interfacial water releasing. As a result, the integrated POG presents the superhigh equilibrium moisture sorption of 16.01 kg m-2 at the RH of 90%, and daily water production as high as 2.43 kg m-2 day-1 is achieved in actual outdoor experiments. We envisage that such a bioinspired integrated hygroscopic materials system can provide a new pathway to achieve continuous and highcapacity atmospheric moisture sorption