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[Chem Commun] Microcontact Printing Graphene Oxide Nanosheet for Fabricating Patterned Polymer Brushes
writer:Xiao Peng, JincuiGu, JingChen, Jiawei Zhang, Rubo Xing, Yanchun Han, Jun Fu, Wenqin Wang, Tao Chen*
keywords:GO, Microcontact Printing, Polymer Brushes, Hybrid, supramolecular self-assemble
specific source:Chemical Communications, 2014, 50(54), 7103-7106
Issue time:2014年
A robust strategy is developed to fabricate micro-patterned graphene oxide (GO) films on the hydroxylated surface via micro-contact printing induced supramolecular self-assemble of multiple hydrogen-bond formation between GO nanosheet and silicon substrate. Existing photo active sites on the surface of GO allows the further amplification of GO in chemical functions to grow polymer brushes via self-initiated photografting and photopolymerization (SIPGP) directly with initiator free.