[Anal. Chem.] Giant Gold Nanowire Vesicles Based Colorimetric and SERS Dual Mode Immunosensor for Ultrasensitive Detection of Vibrio Parahemolyticus
writer:Zhiyong Guo, YR Jia, XX Song, J Lu, XF Lu, BQ Liu, YJ Huang,* JW Zhang, and Tao Chen*
keywords:Gold Nanowire Vesicles, Colorimetric and SERS Dual Mode Immunosensor
specific source:Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90, 6124-6130
Issue time:2018年
Conventional methods for the detection of Vibrio parahemolyticus (VP) usually need tedious, laborintensive processes, and have low sensitivity, which further limits their practical applications. Herein, we developed a simple and efficient colorimetry and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) dual-mode immunosensor for sensitive detection of VP, by employing giant Au vesicles with anchored tiny gold nanowires (AuNW) as a smart probe. Due to the larger specific surface and special hollow structure of giant Au vesicles, silver staining would easily lead to vivid color change for colorimetric analysis and further amplify SERS signals. The t-test was further used to determine if two sets of data from colorimetry and SERS were significantly different from each other. The result shows that there was no significant difference between data from the two methods. Two sets of data can mutually validate each other and avoid false positive and negative
detection. The designed colorimetry?SERS dual-mode sensor would be very promising in various applications such as food safety inspection, personal healthcare, and on-site environmental monitoring.