Preparation and characterization of nanocomposites of polyvinyl alcohol/cellulose nanowhiskers/chitosan
writer:Hong-Zhen Li, Si-Chong Chen ., Yu-Zhong Wang.
keywords:Nano composites; Polymers; Mechanical properties
specific source:Composites Science and Technology
Issue time:2015年
Nanocomposites of polyvinyl alcohol/cellulose nanowhiskers/chitosan (PVA/CNWs/chitosan) were prepared using an environmentally friendly water-evaporation process. The material properties of these ‘‘green’’ hybrid films were characterized extensively using various techniques. Electrostatic interaction between CNWs and chitosan as well as the hydrogen bonds between the three materials played a very important role in determining the properties of the composites. The antimicrobial property, oxygen barrier property and mechanical property of the nanocomposites were all improved owing to the localized aggregations of CNWs and chitosan driven by the electrostatic interactions, thereby making the nanocomposites potentially useful for many applications including food packaging and antimicrobial packaging.